Welcome To Beautiful Heart Counseling center

Beautiful Hearts Counseling is a professional counselling center where we help people that are dealing with problems that impact the quality of their lives.

We focus on helping clients gain insight into themselves by going through a healing process. This is achieved through clients and therapist exploring past and present issues.

Our greatest desire is for people to understand that seeking counselling is a perfectly normal thing. Anyone can benefit from psychotherapy if they are dealing with anxiety, phobias, overwhelmed with the stresses of life, having intrusive, obsessive thoughts and behaviours, or are dealing with traumas from past experiences.

Who We Are

Beautiful Hearts Counseling and Professional Services is a psychotherapy center in  Nairobi that offers counseling and therapy sessions for persons from all walks of life. We work alongside other professional psychologists in East Africa who are dedicated to helping clients gain insight into themselves by going through a healing process. This is achieved through the client and therapist exploring past and present issues.

During assessment, we shun the assumption that one size fits all. As mental health professionals, we administer a comprehensive screening and assessment process that helps us understand the nature and causes of the presenting problems. Subsequently, an individualized treatment plan (I.T.P) is prepared for our clients.

Start healing process, book an appointment today to get help